Nothing is better than visiting indoor attractions when it's raining outside. The weather wasn't really nice in Glasgow when I was there for a day. Therefore, I tried to visit as many museums as possible, to avoid the possibility to get soaked. I found something that cheered me up at the end, which were the glasshouses that I visited in two different parks and gardens. I felt like I was walking into a forest or something, the variety of colours also made me so happy as there's always no weather problem in there.

The first one that I went to is The People's Palace that is located inside the park called Glasgow Green. When I first came here, I was so surprised because I thought that was supposed to be a "Palace" instead. But it turns out The People's Palace is neither a palace nor a proper botanic garden. It's actually a museum! And this glasshouse is just a cafe that inside the museum. I was so sad that I found out a cafe at the end because I had just finished my lunch before I came here. Imagine having a relaxing coffee chill-out day here... I guess I could spend at least half a day here.

These two more glasshouses that I found in the other side of Glasgow which is located at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. These ones are a lot bigger and have more plants inside comparing to the first one. I can't say which one I liked more because they are actually two same but also different things. However, if you like flower and plants, I suggest that you should go visit this one since it's got a lot more to see!

Every time I got inside the glasshouse from outside I had to wipe clean my camera lens... sometimes I forgot to do that and I didn't realise until I took the pictures. However, I kind of like how mysterious the place looks like with this foggy filter naturally added onto my photographs. Which one do you prefer? I like them both!

Look at these cactuses... aren't they so cute like a whole family together?