Today's mission is to look for the famous Jungfrau from the other side of the mountain. Where exactly is it? Can you actually tell from the picture? Let me know if you could find out the answers after reading this, and see if I achieved the mission or not?

I was heading off to Mount Rigi from Lucerne, where you could take a ferry to Weggis, then you could take a cable car up to the middle point of Rigi mountain (Rigi Kaltbad), where you could take a mini train to the final stop Rigi Kulm. It sounds very complicated than you are actually doing it, while you can enjoy gorgeous Switzerland views from various public transports.
So the first stop of my journey: Weggis, which is around 40 minutes away from Luzern Bahnhofquai, is as pretty as a paradise on earth. If you had some spare time in between the next cable car service, you could possibly stay here for some pictures. Everywhere is photogenic in Switzerland! But remember, it is around 15-minute walking distance from Weggis ferry stop to the Rigi lift station. Make sure you don't miss it or you will have to wait for another half an hour. Well, that's not too bad, right?
I guess waiting for half an hour isn't really that bad. However, if you missed an hourly service train, that's really bad. Therefore, I didn't really stay up here for long, otherwise I would have to spend another hour here of doing literally nothing... I guess I was here for 15 minutes, maximum? And then I did everything the other way round to get back to Luzern.

Obviously I failed the mission totally. I wouldn't be able to tell where the Jungfrau was even when I saw the view myself in person. I would just say that Jungfrau was in front of my eyes anyway. LOL It was a bit rush today but I had so much fun! I wish I could do it all over again!