Kowloon City was not that easy to reach until the Song Wong Toi station in Tuen Ma Line has finally been in use lately. You may take the MTR and exit from exit B3 to begin your journey to the neighbourhood. Read on to discover more about the area, find out where to go, what to eat, and things to do while you are in Kowloon City. Let the journey begins!
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Visiting the Iconic Beautiful Chinese Garden
This gorgeous Chinese garden is located inside the Carpenter Road Park. The garden was built at the same location as the previous Kowloon Walled City in the period of British Hong Kong. This city park is not just stunning; it also carries the history behind the ungoverned territory in the middle of Kowloon. You will discover the real stories of Kowloon Walled City with the models, artefacts and galleries displayed in this historical garden.
Kowloon Walled City Park | 53 Carpenter Road, Kowloon City
Having a Nice Brunch in a Local Cafe
Tai Wo Tang was once a classic Chinese clinic in the 1930's where you could consult a doctor and buy Chinese medicine and herbs with a prescription. Unfortunately the clinic was closed down in 2017, but thankfully, it has now been rebranded as a vintage cafe. Most items from the clinic such as the historic cupboard, metal shutter front door, and their brand logo were kept and became part of this cafe now. Everyone now gets a chance to visit this place and enjoy a cup of coffee while they are healthy!
Tai Wo Tang Cafe | 24 Nga Tsin Long Road, Kowloon City

Making a Wish at a Historical Temple
This historical temple was built a long time ago right before Kowloon City even existed. Hau Wong Temple is always full at Hau Wong Festival on the 16th of the Sixth Lunar Month. The locals believe that worshipping Yeung Hau Tai Wong in front of the temple bell will keep you safe, good luck and health. It sounds like a good place to make a wish, doesn't it?
Hau Wong Temple | 130 Junction Road, Pak Hok Shan

Understanding the History of Kowloon City
Visiting the Stone Houses Family Garden allows you to know more about the background of the stone houses and the history around this area as well as Kowloon City. These residential units were built after WWII. It is now revitalised with a themed cafe, visitor centre and a local history museum. Kids and families also love to spend time together in the garden outside of the stone houses at the weekend.
Stone Houses Family Garden | 133 Junction Road, Kowloon Tsai